Video field support in REST API

Hi folks,

I’m evaluating the use of the Webflow REST API. The documentation is thorough, though there is one hole: I do not see docs regarding working with collections that contain a Video field. Like an Image, Video fields seem to be stored in a rather special way. My initial attempt at creating an item that includes a Video field failed with a curiously incorrect error.

Given collection configuration (output of GET /collections/:collection_id) that includes the following field:
“id”: “…”,
“editable”: true,
“required”: true,
“type”: “Video”,
“slug”: “video-url”,
“name”: “video_url”

And the following POST request:
curl --silent --request POST$COLLECTION_ID/items
-H “Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN”
-H “accept-version: 1.0.0”
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
–data-binary $‘{
“fields”: {
“name”: “exciting movie”,
“slug”: “exciting-movie”,
“_archived”: “false”,
“_draft”: “false”,
“video_url”: “

I get the following “ValidationError”:
“msg”: “Validation Failure”,
“code”: 400,
“name”: “ValidationError”,
“path”: “/collections/…/items”,
“err”: “ValidationError: Validation Failure”,
“problems”: [
“Field ‘video_url’: Field not described in schema”
“problem_data”: [
“slug”: “video_url”,
“msg”: “Field not described in schema”

Clearly the field “video_url” exists in the collection at hand. I have tested that I can manually create entries for this collection through the WebflowCMS GUI–that is no problem.

Is working with Video fields not supported through the REST API?

Bump on this, also would be interested to know the answer to this question…


I have not tried that, if a field exists you think you could write a value to it. It probably has to do with the fact that Webflow uses to handle the video processing and display.

Workaround: Use custom code to display a video based on a field value. Of course you would need to handle the playback.