Vertical Line in Tab

For some reason a vertical line keeps appearing between tabs. I seem to have cleared all border settings, yet it keeps appearing. As you can see on the link, the line appear when one mouses over “Well-Being”.

Might anyone have some idea how I can get rid of this?

Here is my public share link: Design Responsive Websites - Webflow
(how to access public share link)

Hey @kevininaustin

Could you check that link for me, I can’t view your project.



see if this works?

hey @kevininaustin

this is happening because you are using solid color as background solid on top of a gray background color. This is weird behavior of the browsers, but if you stack one color on top of another, this glitchs can happen. I recommend you to just use background color instead of placing a solid color on top.

Thank you so much… the challenge is that I just cannot figure out where that grey background is activated.