When using a nested grid that is connected to CMS data, when the nested CMS data contains an odd number of records is there a setting to make the grid still render the ‘empty’ grid cell(s)?
For example, a CMS list of sport types (Winter Sports, Combat Sports, etc…) has mostly 4 sport names (Hockey, Skiing, Skating) related to each sport type. However, some sports only have 2 or 3 related sport names.
My nested Grid (for the sport names) is set to 2 x 2, and is not rendering the empty grid cell(s) when there are less than 4 sport names - just basically a hole in the grid.
I’m unable to test this idea since the read-only link will not let me adjust your cms content, but you might be able to enter a blank item that appears upon conditional visibility of a set number. And that arrow within the link can be set to conditional visibility so that it only appears when there is a title entered on an item.
Port_of_Folio has the best approach I think, but since your menu items are coming from the CMS you’re either forced to create some fake, empty Sports items so that you have 4 exactly in every multi-ref list, or else you’d need to create those “filler tiles” DIVs with script and insert them after the page loads to pad each list out to 4 items.
You -might- be able to use FS Static to Collection List to add them, but it may not work since you’re dealing with a nested list situation with multiple lists.
You can create a single placeholder item using CSS only, something like this, but the filter tiles must be simple and I only see a way to solve for the 3-item scenario, and not the 2-item scenario;
Write a script that clones and adds a set of 4 items to every list.
Use CSS to constrain that to 4 visible items total. That way you’ll always have exactly 4 grid items even if your data is dynamic.
This approach is crude, but it’s simple, it keeps your CMS data pure, and lets you style those placeholders in the designer however you like.