URGENT: Client gets error when downloading attachment from form submission

I have a client that gets an error message when pressing the download link in a form submission.

  1. The form submission is sent to the users Outlook 365 client.
  2. The user is logged in as an Editor in the Chrome browser (latest release).
  3. When clicking the link in form submission to download the attachement, Chrome opens, but this error message appears: (Opera browser is only used for testing. Same error in Chrome)
  4. Webflow or Chrome (?) does not recognize that the client is already logged in to the ‘Editor’ in a different tab in the same Chrome browser.

I get the same error when I’m logged out of ‘Designer’ but logged in to ‘Editor’ with the clients username/password. When I log in to ‘Designer’, the download links from form submissions is working again.

Site: golden-energy-offshore.webflow.io

Assets uploaded via Webflow forms are only accessible via the designer. Not a bug. You would need to use a third party tool like Zapier or a form engine as a workaround.

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That’s hilarious! and not in the fun kind of way. Whats the point with a file upload feature if not the client/end-user of a site can access the files?!

Thanks for the tip @webdev :slight_smile:

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Collaborators will see this message when they are not logged in and the option to restrict file uploads is enabled. Please double check that the user is logged in as an Editor. Visit the following article to learn more — Form file upload: Important privacy & security note.

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