Updating/uploading image in Rich Text triggers refresh sync

same issue as Refresh to Sync Changes
Issue was closed but it would be nice to see the resolution and or have it fixed.
This all started when I added an image


Hi @scott.freeman what site are you seeing this in?

When did it begin? Can you please update your post with your site read only link? Or send me a direct message with more info?

Thanks in advance!

Cc @cyberdave @YoavGivati

Timeline wise it began for me today.
it began after adding an image I uploaded to an image component on the platform page in the advertising tab content pane, right column. The image gets added then disappears, no way to remove it other than dragging it into a dummy div with another component in order to delete all the object with the div…

(not being able to remove a component from the navigator panel is a bit of a bummer but i can post a feature request… )

Hi @scott.freeman, thanks a lot for the info, while checking this, I sent you a private message for a little more info. Thanks in advance!

Hi @scott.freeman, @jonreese, thanks for your reports and information, it was very helpful.

It does look like in certain conditions, there may be a bug there with the updating of the image in the Rich Text. The result is that Refresh Sync Modal.

As soon as there is a fix/resolution for this, I will provide an update.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the update.

Hi @scott.freeman, It looks like you have an h1 -> div -> span which shouldn’t be possible to create in the designer. Since the modal shows up at save time it looked like the image was causing the problem.

If you remember how a div got into an h1, or you’re able to reproduce that structure let us know, it could be the result of a bug we can fix.

In the mean time deleting that h1 that says “Event Listings” and re-creating it from scratch as h1 -> span would fix the problem.

I hope that helps :balloon:

awesome thank you

Scott Freeman
Chief Technology Officer
Invintus Media inc.

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