Unlinking Symbol Not Working

Hi. I am having trouble editing my nav bar on just one page. It is a symbol. So I unlinked it on the page I want to change it (just want to change the color because the background color on that page is different), and it seems as though it is unlinked. It is no longer green, it does not have the Symbol cube icon, when I right click there is no option to unlink it - but an option to add symbol. However, when I change the color it still effect all the other ones. Am I missing something? Thanks!

Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 4.26.54 PM|171x499

Link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/portfolio-simple-d30130?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=portfolio-simple-d30130&preview=9035bb5eabc4ba51eea503c9976c9913&mode=preview

Hey, I’m having the exact same problem now. How were you able to fix it? Thank you!!!