Unable to remove underline. Hours wasted trying

I have wasted several hours trying to remove the underline from links in the nav module with no success.

I have stripped of all of the styles and then created different classes for each link. Can not find any way to remove the grey underline across the bottom of the nav link.

Why do I have to reverse engineer every link I ever use?

----------Webflow - First gen Collection list port

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Select a link item
Temporarily deletes its class
Click on the selector box, select, All links
Click on States, Hover
Down the panel, Alt+Click on the blue label for Shadows to remove the underline effect

That’s the opposite, you alter the element or class that is really affected, and it changes along everywhere else.

Try this in the university. :slight_smile:

I got it. Thanks! I’ll bookmark this. I am sure I will need it again.