@Waldo Thank you for reopening this thread and your help with your modal window solution!
I am editing this forum post to redefine my question and to hopefully receive some feedback.
After doing some extensive testing I believe that the modal popup solution only works under certain circumstances. This means as soon as the you set the Max Height of the “Modal” (class) to let’s say 1000px, not all of the content within the modal will be accessible depending on the viewport.
Please let me know if my observation is correct or if I am missing something.
How did you bind each specific collection item with its corresponding modal?
For example, the image and text in collection item ‘modal 1’ appear in the modal corresponding to Modal 1 on the page, but I can’t find any layer/object in the navigator that references the collection item ‘modal 1’. The reference must be somewhere, but I can’t find it.
Can you tell me where you specified the specific collection item?
Mobile Safari ignores overflow hidden on html and the body element.
I added to the script position fixed to the body on opening of the modal $('body').css('position', 'fixed');
and of course removes it on close $('body').css('position', 'static');
Hope it helps
Edit: Content is moved to the left when modal opens. I’m on it.
thanks the fixed body works nice. But the scroll in the modal has still no ease. The scroll stucks on mobile. Is there any possibility that the scroll in the modal behaves like on the normal page?