Tumult Hype integration

Hello to everybody.
Anybody knows how to integrate Tumult hype animations
into webflow?
Oh by the way. I love the new AssetManager…
Great Webflow…

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There are two methods but they both require you host your files somewhere (any CDN or Dropbox for example).

First method, add an iframe with the HTML code widget:

<iframe width="300px" height="400px" src="hummingbird.html" 
style="border:0px" scrolling="no" seamless></iframe>

Replace hummingbird.html above with the exact URL to your HTML file. (starting by http://)

Second method is to extract 3 lines of code from the HTML above and add it to your page using the HTML code Widget:

<div id="documentName_hype_container" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:600px;height:400px;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="documentName.hyperesources/documentName_hype_generated_script.js?56206"></script>
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