Trying to build out a complex navigation system

Be forewarned… this is a big complicated ask:

I have a 28 page portfolio site.
hate the current navigation to get back and forth between pages.
found this site:
ignore all the secondary bells and whistles.
what I dig is the “roll over a director and main image swaps” feature on the homepage.
once selected… you jump to that page and a nav stays off to the side.
That’s the basics of what I want to do.

now take a look at my site:

what you can see in preview is a non hover “home” image (venom on yellow… placeholder. :slight_smile: )
now hover over “lucky break” link and you’ll see the effect I want to accomplish.

here’s are the problems I cannot seem to figure out.

that fade up skull image is a fullscreen DIV at 0% transparency with an interaction (hover over: fade up/ hover off: fade down) simple. BUT… I need to make 12 of these and I don’t know how to approach nesting them. Make sense? Any ideas?

once I figure out the basics of the above… I need to do it three or four more times.
DIGITAL: I have 12 project/pages (currently shown)
INTEGRATED: I will have 12 other project pages.
VIDEO: will just be 1 splash linking to my TV/BROADCAST page.
DESIGN: may be up to 10 pages. or just 1. not sure yet.
CONTACT will just be 1 splash.

My guess is, If I can solve QUESTION 1, I can create the same treatment for each category and then just create interactions between the categories… make sense?

so for starters… help on QUESTION 1.

As always - thanks mucho.

Scott B.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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