Trouble placing an image next to text without adjusting the text placement

Hey! I feel like this should be an easy fix but i can’t quite figure out how to add an image/icon to the right of the text without affecting the texts center placement. I would like to place it where the red lines are on the screenshot. Any thoughts? thanks!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Without seeing your project I’m just guessing the structure, but essentially you’d include the image in your heading container (the div wrapping the two lines of text), set that container to position: relative and then set your image to position: absolute. Once you’ve done that you can use the preset position icons to align the image to the right side:

If that doesn’t work (or you run into any issues) just reply with your read-only link and I’ll take a closer look :+1:

ahhh that did it! thank you :raised_hands: