Transferring Team Plan Ownership

Hi! My company has just completed a website for a client and would like to transfer the Webflow project to them. We have a two-member Team plan set up with our client.

Question: If we transfer the ownership to the client, and then stop the Team plan billing, they would still have full access to the web project in their Webflow account, yes?

Hi @zamnayan great question about your team plan and account management.

If a Team plan is canceled, then the site plans within that team would also be canceled. This article on transferring projects may be helpful for this situation.

This seems like a sensitive account / technical issue, and we’re here to help. It is likely we’ll need to investigate and discuss your private account details. Could you please contact our Customer Support Team at

One of our Customer Support Team Specialists will be able to investigate and respond via email! Thank you so much!