Touch - Problem with Map

Came across a couple issues with the Map Widget.

Tested on: Win 8.1 Surface RT 32GB, Win 8.1 Surface Pro 2 64GB, Win 8.1 Surface Pro 3 128GB

Metro IE Browser: With Touch disabled… user CAN MOVE map with finger.

Google Browser 36.0.1985.143 m: With Touch disabled… user cannot move map with finger

Tested on (Safari): iPad 1 64GB, iPad 2 64GB, iPad 3 64GB, iPad Air 1 128GB, iPad Mini 1 16GB, iPad Mini 1 64GB, Nexus 7

Tested on: Nexus 7 32GB Android 5 - Chrome 39.0.2171.93

Tested on: Hisense Sero Pro 7 Android 4.2.1 - Chrome 40.0.2214.89

With Touch disabled… user cannot move map with finger.

This one is not really a bug… more of feature oddity ?

On ALL DEVICES listed above - User can DOUBLE-TAP screen and ZOOM IN.

  • but cannot PAN SCREEN (because Touch is disabled).

It seems… disabling Touch… only disables Panning on iOS and Droids.

On Windows tablets… Touch is never disabled… regardless of browser.

hi @Revolution, it is possible this behavior can work differently on different devices. We will open this one up for investigation and add it to our investigation queue. Thanks for the report ! Cheers, Dave