Top aligned columns, how to achieve this? [RESOLVED]


I have a few pages on my site that have multiple columns on the one page, i need to know how to make each column aligned at the top of each row.

At the moment they are all very random. Any idea how to fix this??

Please navigate to any one of the three ‘Dental Services’ pages, from the main menu at the top of the page.


Hey there,

maybe it’s simpler if you add “columns” in your gd.div_wrapper. Add 3 columns and put in each column the gd.div (Fluoride app, scale & clean, consultations). You can configure each gd.div in the columns with 90% width and centered.

Ive tried it and it works.

Hope it helps

how embarrassing! didn’t even realize i was using divs instead of columns!

anyhow thank you very much for your assistance @ollo !

much appreciated
