The mobile portrait screen stays empty

Hi Webflow community hope you guys are doing well.
Here is my ready on link :

I really don’t understand why on the mobile screen (the last one) the page is empty for most of the pages even if every section is there in the designer (I can see them on all of the other screen) but when I click on the mobile one it’s just nothing.

I’ve already checked on the forum for the answer, but It’s not a problem of opacity or anything I could find.
Maybe someone here has the simple answer.

Thanks a lot for that. Enjoy your day.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Maxime!

On the mobile breakpoint, on your Container Default, you can see it has quite a large negative margin. Setting this value normally should fix your issue. Let me know if I can help with anything else!


Wow thanks a lot Chris, I didn’t see that coming. Wow you got great eye thanks a lot you’re genious, that issue is solve thanks to you.

Cheers, have a great day

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