Text Motion Over Slider Images

I want the text on the banner the motions when it comes back around to the slide. I have the motions/actions working when it first loads but when the image comes back around, it doesn’t repeat the action. Please help. Thanks


Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/settembrino?preview=6086873843984c6d57053d6565e241eb
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Gator have you tried using the Slider animation trigger?

I thought that’s what I used. I will check it out. Thanks

Just looked and that is what I used

Hi @Gator it looks like you’re using a “Scroll” trigger rather than the “Slider” trigger, can you please try using the Slider trigger instead?

Ahh, I see. Thanks… I really need to drink less coffee. lol

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