Styling Headings and Text in RTF

I am trying to change the format of the text of this blog from the CMS blog page. I understand that you have to disconnect the linking of the body text and then edit the headings and text, but every time I do this and then I connect it to the body text from the CMS blog, all the formatting goes back to the default, then I disconnect it and all the styling I did is gone.

I have given the RTF a unique class. I have given all the headings and paragraph texts unique classes but still when I connect it to the CMS text all the formatting goes away.

Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Here is my read-only link:

Make sure that when you’re setting the style of e.g. an H2, that you configure it as “All H2 Headings within MyRichTextClass”.

It needs both parts in order to correctly style a rich text block element specifically.

Do you mind walking me through how to add that? I can’t seem to figure out how to configure a class as all H3 Headings within the rich text class

@hg_1437 - There is a list of steps provided in the university. See Rich text element overview - Webflow University Documentation