String pull animation

Hello everyone.

I’m having trouble recreating an animation from’s former site.

So basically when all of the items are in view, the top item starts growing upwards, imitating a kind of pulling effect and it technically speaking, ‘takes the others along’, if you will, they themselves growing too. Hope that makes sense. I have a video of it but I can’t upload it for better context. I’ve tried GSAP, I’ve tried native animations, it’s very hard to replicate. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

Here’s the read-only link: Webflow - OVOU

Without a video of the effects it’s going to be hard for anyone to accurately describe how something like this was created. Can you try and upload it elsewhere (Google Drive or Dropbox should work) so we can take a look at the actual effect?

Based on your explanation it sounds a bit out of scope for the native Webflow interactions but GSAP typically can handle these types of things.