Store / Dealer Location, Multiple markers in Google Maps


I try to make a map with markers to show customers where in the world we have dealers selling our products.
So far i have found a code (How to make a simple store locator with the Google Maps JavaScript API | Simple Steps Code) that uses Google Maps. Now i need to customize this a bit, but I’m not a developer and have limited knowledge of code.

I can make new markers for the stores / dealers, but that means i have to open the code evry time. I have a CMS collection for all the dealers, and would like to pull the “lat” “lng” from there, or even better if there is a way to get the marker by street address?

Is it posible to get the markers via the CMS collection?

I’ve done many attempts to add the markers via the “+ add field” function in the custom code, but not managed to get it working.

Anyone have a solution? Thanks

Here is my site Read-Only:

Here is a preview of the map in the browser:

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