Currently on the blog under all categories or a specific category, there is a list of blog posts and then paginated results. When those paginated results are clicked on, the URL changes to /blog#posts. I would like to generate a unique URL for each of those paginated results both in all categories, and within each category. For instance:
Are you referring to the ?page_2984os=2 querystring addition?
That’s how Webflow tracks the page of each paginated collection list on your page, and it’s necessary to access those Page 2+ results.
No you cannot natively change how page 2 is represented in the URL.
However it is possible to hide this by putting a framework on top of it. Finsweet CMS Load is the best known for this.
Also no, there is no native mechanic to filter or segment collection page by URL.
You can create a Category page, and show just the blogs for that category, but the URL would generally be;
And if you had a lot of content with pagination on that list, then e.g.
This has some SEO benefit.
That colleciton page can also be under a folder, so you could technically create;
However then blog cannot be used as a collection slug, since it’s already used as a folder slug.
Basically you have to decide if you’re focusing on UX, or SEO, and make some choices about your setup. For SEO, category pages make sense. For UX, I’d go for on-page dynamic filtering which tools like Finsweet CMS Filter can provide.