I am working on a new Spline3D featured landingpage at the moment and ran into major issues with using Spline3D in general. Before you ask, the Spline scene is hyper optimised and as small as I can get it, reaches a 99/100 score in the spline performance test.
As soon as I load it into webflow, everything becomes laggy. Setting the spline player to visibility:none takes 2-3 seconds and suddenly everything runs smoothly. I wanted to use a preloader to make sure the spline scene has enough time to load, but the lottie does not play or barely plays when I am rendering/loading in the spline scene in the background and just freezes.
This is really annoying and kind of kills the website idea as a whole - is this something that can be fixed on my end or is this a general issue?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I am on a Mac Book Pro M1 16GB - my device should really not be the problem here, especially since the spline scene runs perfectly as normal preview and in spline alone.
Edit 2: A few hours later, did not change anything and at least the dashboard and the lottie seem to be running fine now. However, the Opacity Out of the preloader still does not work and just hides. If you look at the interaction and preview it, the entire UI still freezes.