Spam filter affecting custom code button (open in a new tab)

Hi there,

We experienced a few issues with spam over the past 6-8 weeks when we noticed Webflow’s new spam filter and subsequently switched it on and it is working well.

However, we’ve noticed that it’s blocking one of our payment demos on our website. Weirdly, it’s only our GBP demo on desktop (the issue can be replicated on Safari and Chrome). On mobile, it is fine. Moreover, our EURO demo is fine on both desktop and mobile.

On the affected demo, when the user clicks ‘try a £ payment’, the user is able to input the email and should then be able to click ‘try demo’. This is then meant to launch our demo in a new tab, but it doesn’t.

It’s worth noting that these two buttons use custom code to ‘open in a new tab’. The reason for that is because behind that link is a redirect link. Currently, we’re only able to ‘open in a new tab’ for a redirect link using custom code. We believe it’s this very custom code which is conflicting with the spam filter. We believe this because whenever we turn off the spam filter, the GBP button works completely fine.

We also don’t want to switch that spam filter off, as it’s been really helpful with our spam issue (already have a honeypot code installed).

Can anyone help us out with this catch-22 situation?!

Thanks in advance,

Here is my site Read-Only:

The new bot protection feature seems to struggle with forms that are dynamically created, removed and re-added to the DOM, and maybe a few other scenarios.

I’d try pulling your form outside of the FInsweet pop-up, publish to staging, and see if the problem goes away. If so it may be that FInsweet’s modal removes and re-adds its contents to the DOM and that this is breaking the bot protection’s ability to initialize the form.

If it works outside of the modal then you could try recreating your modals as interactions-based modals.

Another approach is to just side-step it and setup the form with a different Action to a handler to collect your form data separately. I find Basin is excellent for that.

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