Spacing issue - Stuck

I’m trying to have the contact info at the end of my site appear in the blank area to the right of the end of my home page screen. I just don’t know how to adjust it. Can anyone help?

Here is my site Read-Only:

I’m having trouble understanding just what it is you are asking. Do you want that 2 lines of text moved over to the right?

Yes that is correct! I just don’t know where to access it at

Those two lines are wrapped in Display-2. Just chose that and use Typography setting 'align right.

Screen Shot 2021-12-28 at 10.28.06 PM

This is what I mean, on the desktop it shows all the way to the left instead of that space to the right.

In your readme only the Tablet and Mobile views scroll. The Desktop vides only show the following - 1 nearly all black page with NO scrolling!

Maybe try recording another readme?

yeah that is my issue, i don’t know how to access that text without being in those two views. I can’t see the portfolio thumbnails in desktop view either. Whoever made this template did it in a funky way.

What could be a work around to get my contact text to shift over on desktop view?

Likewise! If I can’t access (see) exactly where the issue is, obviously I can’t work on a fix.
I’ve learned that working with templates it’s best to leave the layout alone and only change the content (images, text, etc) especially if the template includes a CMS.

Please try re-recording and posting a new readme file

for sure, I didn’t mess with it that much. I did what you said and right justified it. I think this will do. THanks for your help.