[SOLVED] How to build half of the text white and half transparent?

I have a question regarding how to build text that is half over the image. The text that is over the image is transparent and that touches background is white.

Any ideas?

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I gave this a try as I’m thinking it can be done.

I am thinking to use three or more elements and the z-index.

I got it to almost work save for the hollow text. This appears can’t be done. I got frustrated at that point and quit.


and z in layers then push the text up and down.

Also, try parallax.

You have to add embedded code behind the body

	.webkit {
    color: transparent;
    -webkit-text-stroke: 1px white;

than you just find the style and add it to the text. Of course you have to add non-transparent text behind the image.

Now I will make it ove up and down. That will be fun

Looks easier than what I was trying!

Thanks for sharing