Solved! Font rendering issue and fallback

Hey webflowers!

I’m experimenting a weird issue on a new website that involves font rendering. Every time I open the published page, the custom font (TT Hoves) is not rendered. Instead, I believe, it falls back to San Francisco.

When I refresh the page, the custom font works, is visible and looks as intended. On a hard refresh, back to San Francisco. Webflow vs Figma for reference in the screenshot.

I’ve checked if the fonts are properly added to the project settings and it looks like they are. Added some custom code that I found on the forum, but no help.

To mention, I mostly see this on Brave for desktop. No issue on mobile (Safari, Brave, Chrome) and no issue on Safari for desktop.

Would appreciate and answer or idea to test!

Edit: At one point I changed the the font settings because I thought it affects the performance of the page. Therefore, I switched (project settings → fonts → font display) display to optional. Now, I changed it back to swap and it’s all good.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)