Social Share Buttons only work on the right half

Hi Everyone,

I’m looking for a bit of help with dropdown and embedded code. I created a few little share icons on this page and the only seem to be “half” working. Once the share button is clicked the right half of each button works but not the left half. Please help with any suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Hey @Marvel773e I am a little confused as to the issue here? Which browser are you testing? Are you looking for share buttons or links to facebook/twitter pages? Could you please share your read-only link?

I made a little demo here on how to add social share links to your site pages that fetch the page url address when sharing here. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Hi Waldo,

I think I modeled it after your demo in fact…
It would be share buttons for the blog. If you navigate to below the blog there’s a share button that expands to a macbook, twitter, and pinterest button. However, only half of the blocks are active links (the right half) the left half won’t click through to share. Oh and I’m just in safari.

here is the read-only link

Hi @Marvel773e … it looks like you have given the read-only link to a different website…

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