Smaller logo on inner pages

I want to have a larger logo on my home page than the rest of the pages on the site. I’ve created a custom code snippet to shrink the logo on the inner pages but it is still large in the editor because it only shows on published pages. I understand this is the standard way custom code works, but is there any way to accomplish this without custom code. The large logo on the inner pages during editing kind of gets in the way. Thanks

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Okay. So i figured out my solution. For anyone looking here is what i did. I wanted a larger logo on my home page and a smaller one on inner pages. What i did was used a symbol called header which has my nav, logo, etc… In the symbol i uploaded the smaller logo (116width). This way all my headers will have the smaller logo.(including home page). Then i created an override on the image. See symbol override in the documentation or tutorials if you don’t know what that is. Then on the home page i replaced the image with a larger one (195px width). So essentially i use two different sized images. Hope that helps someone.

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