Slow HTML5 Iframe load time. Help?


This is a 2 part-er:

  1. I have loaded an html5 Roto (rotating photo) in an iframe as my website’s banner. The file size on my server is only 4.73MB while the actual html file that is being pulled down from the server is 3.5KB.

I’ve looked at “fancybox”, “lazysizes” and other coding options, but they don’t seem to work.

Here is the link to the website title Roto hosted on a third-party server:

  1. With popup iframes of Rotos featuring products. On its own the link works fine, but once it is embedded in an iframe iPhone and Tablet views lag a ton.

Here is the link to a Helmet Roto hosted on a third-party server:

My website’s share URL is:

Hi @Kloees, thanks a lot for the post, sorry there has not been a response yet to this, it sounds like a very specific service. Is there a documentation page for this Roto service you are using, like how to implement it in other websites?
Cheers, Dave

@cyberdave Thank you for the reply!

Upon thorough revision of these issues, I believe the lag is due in part the the number of HTTP requests I have on my website.

Hi @Kloees, thanks for the update ! Let us know how it turns out :slight_smile: We are here to help any way we can :slight_smile: Cheers, Dave