Slider - animation before slide

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Hey you lovely Webflowers.

I have a slider with a ‘slide in’ interaction, and a ‘slide out’ interaction. What I’d like to happen is that the slide out interaction happens before it moves to the next slide.

Can anyone help?

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Not sure about the solution, but since the slider arrows are links I’m thinking about using a script that is usually used for page transitions.

Can you publish the project so I can try placing the script?

Here it is

$('a.left-arrow, a.right-arrow').click(function (e) {
    e.preventDefault();                   // prevent default anchor behavior
    var goTo = this.getAttribute("href"); // store anchor href

         window.location = goTo;

I really don’t know if this will work :smile: Maybe there’s a simple solution.

Piter :webflow_heart:

Hey @PeterDimitrov, thanks for this.

Here’s the published domain -

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Looks that the script isn’t working :smile: @PixelGeek Shared something with me that maybe can solve the issue. Here’s a link >

Piter :webflow_heart: