Simple stylable tables in the free version

What is the easiest way to add a simple stylable table in the free version? (Similar to the image uploaded) Preferably one that is scalable from desktop to smartphone.

Also, is it possible to add a final column with a downloadable PDF as well?

Free version? Meaning free workspace and free site plan?
You’d have no custom code so your primary option is to build this with a grid, DIVs and col/rowspans.

Sorry for not being clearer earlier.
At the moment, the site is slowly (very slowly) being developed in the Free Workspace (no site plan) and will be moved to paid site plan when completed.
Either the Freelancer (16/mo), the CMS Site (23/mo) or the Basic (14/mo).
Not sure which site is best suited for us as most pages will be static except for a few like the example, which will be updated once a year.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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