Simple Feature (Lottie)

Yes, exciting news indeed!!! I was wondering on this forum about Bodymovin back in 2016 but it was so complicated (I have not coding talent…). But I was never able to make it work so I gave up.
I am very excited about it! Well, once the word that Bodymovin is “finally” easy to use, people in the motion graphics field are going to show more interest. I am working in the motion graphics industry and this is exciting.
That being said, I hope there will be more instruction on how to use it: I am working on an animation with typography in After Effects and I can’t figure out how to export to keep the text and put a CSS family. I have zero knowledge of CSS on how to use it. Anyone knows? Here is the window in Bodymovin that show the settings to be filled:

Anyway, thanks Webflow for bringing Bodymovin!