Show/hide navlink contents

Hi, im trying to create a content section that will show/hide the content depending upon which navlink you click. AKA: click link 1 and show content, click link 2 and hide link 1 content then show link 2 content etc… I’m sure this is pretty easy but i’m a bit confused at the moment!

Here is my public share link: HERE
(how to access public share link)

Ok so maybe i can refine my question a little bit better now that i’ve played around with this. What I am trying to accomplish is to for my second “click” to hide content that i have just showed on the first “click.” BUT, i don’t want the user to have to click on the same element (navlink) to hide it again, i would like the 2nd click to be on any of the other navlinks. THAT is what i am having a hard time trying to figure out.

Why not using tabs component?

See! i was overthinking this shit haha

Will this solve your predicament then?

yes thanks for resolving my predicament!