Show and hide issue


Is there any way to leave the triangle in the vertical position when the hidden text is open?
I made show and hide on click plus rotate 90 on hover, but hover prevents triangle to stay in vertical position.

Thanks in advance,

You’ve set the hover-out to make the triangle rotate back so it’s normal.

Here you shouldn’t make the triangle rotate on hover of the title. You should rotate it when it’s clicked, and rotate back on the second click. That’s usually what is done. It shoudl rotate on hover if the paragraph underneath is revealed on hover too.

I would like to get the effect that is done on this site (bottom blue rows): Departure base -
You have hover in and out plus triangle stays vertical when paragraph is revealed.
Any chance to have it with Webflow functions?

Try this:

Edit your transaction so that you ll have three interactions:

First one is yours…not changed.

Second one ist like this:

Third one like this:


Hi Daniel,

Not really what I am trying to do. If you take a look at the website I sent, hover in and out works on whole header block not only triangle. The issue is not make the triangle stay vertical when hidden text is revealed.


Oh I see. I know that my solution is only 90% correct because when you hover over, the triangle will always stay at 90 degrees unless you click the header.

But I personally don’t think that this will work without the use of javascript. But maybe someone else has a solution for this. Sorry mate.