Show a specific page OR show Success/Error message from Integromat?


I’m building a form on webflow which asks the user for a code (a sms received on his phone). What I want is : If the code entered is correct, it shows the Success Message, if the code is incorrect it shows the Error message.

For now, I’m able to know if the code is correct or not in Integromat. My scenario returns the value of the form and checks if the code exists in Airtable, if it exists, it consider it correct.

My questions:
→ Is it possible, from Integromat, to redirect on a specific URL page on Webflow (ex: success page or error page) ?
OR → Is it possible to directly show the Success or Error Message dynamically from Integromat?

Thank you very much for your answer.

Hi @Alegria dis you find the answer? I´m in the same case. Thanks