Shopify/Webflow data management (Linking?)

Hi guys,

I am developing a platform that uses Webflows unique customizability and Shopify’s great shopping UX.

As we expand on our functionality I’m needing to make some long term decisions I’m hoping for some guidance on.

Current functionality:

  • Users explore artist boards and content, view videos, listen to music embeds and can purchase content.
  • Purchasable content is pulling from Shopify via they buy button embed.

What I need:

  • I’m needing to add subscription functionality.
  • I’m needing to add “view purchases” or “library” functionality within the Webflow site/expereince.

I am currently adding user account creation functionality.

So my question:

  • How can match what users purchase via the Shopify button with the what they can then see in their Webflow account?

Current website link is here.

Thanks for the help in advance.