Sections sections are right of nav


All my body sections are stacking horizontally instead of vertically at the 1920 width breakpoint. If I could remove that breakpoint, I think that would fix it. If I can’t then I need to figure out how to resolve it.

I started accidentally working in webflow at the highest breakpoint before I realized the middle one is where the changes would that would cascade up and down.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hello Nathan,

Is this fixed or not yet? If you’re using flexbox you should stack them vertically, or you should use maybe a CSS grid. That’s the more complex solution, as a simpler solution you can wrap everything in a section with a max width that means even if your website is viewed on 1920 it will look exactly like it would at middle one with only the ‘body’ showing in the back.
Hope that helps!

Hi @Graphic-Logic I just fixed it. I had flex on the body of the larger view somehow. I removed that and was good to go.

Btw, how do I hit resolve? And thanks for the help


Hi @nathanphilsteele okay great to know! I’m not sure how to hit resolve either :man_shrugging: