Scrollable Modal Windows

That link doesn’t seem to be working. Could you please try re-sending it @markos84uk?

Is it because it’s a previous restored version, and only I can access it?

Now you’re here to the rescue, I’ve gone back to the broken version… :grinning:

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Here you go @markos84uk, just move the Modal Container to actually be the sibling element of the link which is going to it.

Here’s a quick screen recording: Recordit: Record screencasts fast & free! with GIF Support!

Please let me know if you have any questions. :slight_smile:

Wow… NOW I understand what sibling elements are. So the siblings need to be all in the same drop down on the elements list.

Thank you sincerely… yet again.

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Sibling elements basically sit side-by-side within a parent element (so they share the same parent element). :slight_smile:

Child elements sit inside of a parent element. Such as a Parent Div holds a Child Div.

Happy to help! Please let me know if you ever have any questions. :slight_smile:

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