Scroll Pop Up Window : Not Working... How?

If you click ‘Wedding Cake’ view details in ‘mobile view’ the pop up is larger than the screen and cannot scroll up and down.

Just need to be able to see the product and scroll and close pop up.

I have ‘scroll’ on overflow on for all sizes…

Preview :

Here is my site Read-Only:

@Kill_TV - this is actually more complicated than you would think unfortunately - particularly problematic on iOS devices, see this thread for a solution:

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Thanks Sam!

I tried his solution and nothing changed… Reached out to him to see if he can view our project but looks like he hasn’t been online for over a year…

Fingers crossed?!

If you think or find anything else, would love to try it!


This worked for me here : Scrollable Modal Windows - #4 by Waldo

Tutorial Here :