Scroll into view "Flip" action 3d effect


I’m trying to replicate a 3d flip effect I saw on this template (“Smooth animation” Section):

I opened the read-only link on webflow and I noticed they used the “Flip action” with the “scroll into view” trigger. I tried to replicate but the effect I’m getting is completely different (purple stripe form section):

Are there more configuration to be made with the “Flip” action?

hi @Vitor_Cordeiro you have missed perspective setting. On your example is this setting on Side Block

CleanShot 2021-05-05 at 10.07.42


To achieve desired effect you have to wrap your title and form in div and apply flip on this element and perspective on its parent.

EDIT: easiest way will be to wrap your ld-sec-form-container in div and then ONLY add on this parent element perspective as on image above

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Hey Stan! Thanks a lot! It worked!

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