Rich text links not working - CMS - blog items

Hi there! Looking for some help :) None of our links in our rich text element are working that are used for our CMS items, our blog. Anyone able to point me in right direction? Greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Hi Jamie, have you published your site? What is it that makes you think the links are not working?

I’ll note that your @tex... link isn’t valid. If you’re trying to link to Instagram with that one you’ll need to determine your instagram link.

Hi Michael, thanks for the fast reply! So it’s just the links on our blog (CMS items) using richtext. An example here: A Platform For Connection and Growth



I only see 3, in this part of the rich text;

Linkedin and Bitly are fine, it’s only the @... one that is an invalid link. I’m guessing you’re wanting to put an Instagram link there.

Hi Michael, when you click are the links opening for you? I’ve tried on multiple devices and none of the links in the blog are opening for me.

Yes they work fine- Chrome Windows.