Rich text: Can I make the image wider than the text?

Good morning,

I’m trying to make the grey image to be wider than the text. I’ve tried other users solutions but it doesn’t work for me so it seems I must be doing something wrong, but don’t know how. The grey image uploaded is 1400px wide and I want to appear on that size (not on the one set by the Richtext container)

Here is my site Read only link

Thanks a lot

@Noveno I’ve had experience with similar designs. I found the solution to do this:
Step 1. Set to Rtb max-width: 1400px
Step 2. Set for all items in Rtb max-width like as on your current container and margin: auto

It will be interesting to see other options for solving this design question.

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Hi Dmitrii, thanks for the quick reply. I guess this is what you mean on the Step 1:

But I’m not sure how to do the Step 2. How do I access the items inside the RTB? I can only change the image properties from the CMS panel.


@Noveno in your case, this element limits the maximum width of the container:

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Ok now I got it right but it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to.

@Noveno here is what I mean:

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Man… that defintely worked. It took a while to set it up but works wonder. Thanks a lot.

PS: good music btw :wink:

Edit: the only issues is that title and subtitle is not aligned with content on other projects (only on this one). Check it:

Just set for Rtb width: 100%

@Noveno glad to help🙂

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Solved again! Thanks you are The Man

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