Remove alternative table

We have a page with a comparative table of worldwide services as a default option - OK

It was set up with a button allowing a switch to present another table of services that are US only

We now need to delete the US services table and option to switch so as to leave only the default worldwide services table

I have very little webflow experience so am learning as I go - but am nervous about breaking our site!

What do I need to do to delete the option button and so remove this alternative table leaving the default one intact?

Many thanks for help on this

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I need to remove a US services table and its switch button from my page, leaving only the default worldwide services table. I’m new to Webflow and want to avoid breaking the site. How should I do this?

Hi there,

First I suggest you to copy the element named ‘PricingCards’ and paste it in some other page(DO NOT PASTE IT IN THE SAME HOMEPAGE), just to start.

Once you did the previous step, you can delete those elements I am pointing with the arrows which are ‘F/Tab/Button Toggle’ and ‘F/Tab/Pane’ The second one of each of them, how I am pointing them in the following image.