Reinitialise interactions AND return to current state after seamless pagination click


I’ve been having alot of problems just trying to get my seamless pagination working smoothly for the end user.

Pagination code seems to be working fine BUT when it comes to re-initialising interactions, they always reset back to the original states and scroll positions. I have removed most of the loading animations I had so that the page could be semi-functional but this is far from ideal. For the desktop however it is still un-usable as the horizontal scroll sections rely on interactions, so when they get reset, so does the ix2 scroll position. I am 100% sure that the pagination part of the code is working and the actual page has not refreshed and gone back to the top.

My question for you wonderful code savvy people out there is can interactions be reset to the state they were before the pagination was activated. This means skipping to the end of page loading animations and returning to the same scroll position for page scroll interactions.

At the end of the “commercials” horizontal section the “more projects” collection is the pagination bit I’m working with.

Here is my public share link: Webflow - Vesio Productions

And this is my current body code:
Annotation 2020-02-03 160659

Still having this problem and its forcing me to kill more interactions… My loading screen animation on the home page (that I also used to have on the portfolio) blocks any click or interaction after a pagination click. Once again from what I see this is because of the ix reset and so the loading div blocks the whole screen but its still at 0% opacity somehow…

I am experiencing this same issue @horia_co . I am using a CMS collection to load a testimonial slider, as you click through the page reloads and gets stuck on the load animation. Also Great website @horia_co :slight_smile:

@horia_co how could I reset IX2 using a button? I would like to reset active interaction with a button click.