Redirection issue || Google Search Console Indexing Issue

Hi everyone,

I have an issue with Google Search Console reporting it cannot index my homepage.
i have double checked all records in my domain settings.
In a previous post, here in the forum, I read that this issue may be related to my domain provider not using DNS flattening- unfortunately I lost the post threat and I do not have enough technical knowledge to assess this.
In the screenshot I have provided all the information I could gather.
I am wondering if anyone else has encountered similar issues?
Any useful information on the topic would be highly appreciated! :pray:

Most DNS providers do not support CNAME flattening, so in those cases you need to make the www subdomain your primary domain.

In this configuration;

  • The CNAME should generally be www in your DNS zone
  • The www version of the site should be set as the primary in Webflow

For Google Search Console, it’s best to set up your property as a domain property so that it handles all these variations as one site, and avoids lost data.