Realistically, how can we utilize the User Account page?

I’ve built an ecommerce site and had plans to utilize this page to store orders, coupons, store credits, etc., specific to user accounts. Since having gotten further into development, none of what I initially envisioned is possible without paying more for 3rd-party intervention.

Now I’m wondering what the hell I can even offer people, of value, on these pages? Outside of adding a bunch of random things they can enter that they can’t do anything with, is there anything with actual value or utility that we can do with this page?

I’m struggling to think of anything, so if anybody has come up with some useful ideas, I’m all ears.

At this point, custom user fields don’t serve much practical purpose within Webflow. There aren’t any personalization features yet and the data isn’t natively exposed to databinding or scripts, so you can’t e.g. save darkmode/lightmode prefs at the account level, or display the user’s name in the top nav, or give them a birthday discount.

The primary value at this point is in integrations- the user updates a field, Webflow fires a user_updated webhook and your external system is notified. This lets you keep user info in sync across systems and give your users control over certain aspects of it.

As far as personalization and on-site use goes, I’ve built two frameworks to access and make custom user data accessible to you for exactly that reason.

  • SA5 User Accounts is a free library and you can implement it yourself at no cost.
  • Hyperflow User Accounts is much faster and more powerful ( server side content gating, CMS item-level gating by access group or user, etc. however it requires a special reverse reverse proxy build.