Quick Action Bar Menu (like Wix)

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone has tips / tutorial on how to make a menu like the Wix Quick Action Bar. Its just a menu that sticks to the bottom of the screen on mobile devices.




I for one try to never use the hamburger menu and craft a navbar that morphs into a bottom bar on mobile. Because a PRIMARY menu is the most important thing on a site, it makes no sense to me to hide it behind a hamburger icon. I like to have the main navigation options at sight. It immediately gives the user a sense of what’s the narration and content.

That’s called an app menu, sometimes, the reference usually is the Facebook mobile app. They were among the first to get it right and ditch hamburgers entirely.

It’s not very difficult to do and it’s pretty solid. It needs attention to details, however.

You can check 2 of my sites who have this behavior:


I always wanted to make a tutorial / template for that, I will try to achieve that during the weekend to help you.




Thanks Vincent! I totally agree about the hamburger.

This should help


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Perfect, thanks PixelGeek!!

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