Problems with Recaptcha

Hi, I’ve been trying to add a Recaptcha element to a signup form on a published site. The element doesn’t fit well on the existing form, so I’d like to hide it in a DIV which shows on submitting the form.

However, for now, I’ve just put the Recaptcha element in the form, just to make sure it works. On publishing to my test site, the Robot checkbox doesn’t show at all and when I submit the form I get a popup modal “Please confirm you’re not a robot” but no checkbox. Also, the published form shows space where the Recaptcha should be, but it’s not visible. I’ve enabled Recaptcha and set up the site keys.

Can anyone tell me what’s going wrong here?
Many thanks!

Site link: Webflow - RelishProductions

Published test site:

Modal message: Annotation%202019-12-03%20174225

Designer view of form: Annotation%202019-12-03%20174343

Published form:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)