Problem with tabs.. no idea

In my site I need to have four same looking tabs. The tabs appear when you click the button. My problem is, that only one tab is responsible. Firsty I thought its something with data-w-tab, but after creating a brand new one, and transfer all the part of background and the settings manually the problem is still there. And at this time and do not know what is going on there and i am extremaly tired of this. Can someone explain to me how to fix it?

Just focus on button “shop” and “mots”.

read only: click

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If only one tab is responding, it could be due to conflicting or missing event listeners or incorrect HTML structure. Try checking if both the “shop” and “mots” buttons are properly linked to their respective tabs with unique identifiers. Ensure that the buttons are triggering the correct actions for showing and hiding the tabs. Double-check the JavaScript or interactions linked to those buttons to ensure they are targeting the right elements.