Problem with link style

Hello everyone!
I have a small problem with the styling of links within a page. The text is managed by a CMS.
The page is: Eventi a Palazzo BelVedere
if you look at the underlined links, (ex. menu ) the font is smaller than the rest of the text…

while in the design area of webflow, it seems to be correct…

do you have any idea where the problem is?
thank you!

Here is my public share link:

Hello again Roberta,

On your 1280px breakpoint, you are increasing the paragraph font size for All Paragraphs to 18px, however not for All Links.

Thank you very much,Michael, I got it!
I noticed that if I select the text and change the font size, nothing changes, so maybe it doesn’t take it from there.
also, on every device it gives me 18px… so I don’t understand where I can see and change this size… do you know where I can change it? thanks!!

Here’s what you have set for All Paragraphs

If you’re trying to match them, you’d need to do the same for All Links

thank you very much, I understood and solved it!