Print Issue: Content Not Visible on Second Page When Printing from Webflow Site

Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue with printing a Webflow site. When I try to print the page, everything on the first page looks fine, but the content on the second page is either not visible or appears as white (even though I can select the text with my mouse).

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
1. I added a script to trigger printing and hide specific sections using this code:

  $("#print").click(function() { window.print(); });

  @media print {
    .navbar_Wrapper, .section_similar-properties, .section_footer, .uui-section_contact01 {
      display: none;

This works partially by hiding the specified sections, but the issue with the second page remains.

  1. Debugging observations:
    The hidden sections (navbar, footer, similar properties, and contact) are correctly excluded from print.
    However, the second page content is still invisible or appears as if it’s white text on a white background.

I’ll put a screenshot of what print looks like on a property/real estate item.

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Euro-Interijeri